Table of Contents
Did you just see the time in the mirror, number 19:19? Have you seen this number over and over again for many months or even years? Then you are in the right place to know its meaning and symbolism.
The mirror numbers are shown by your subconscious mind using the synchronicity method. It has a profound meaning coming directly from the Angels and Universal energies.
According to mirror hour 19:19, you will have a huge material gain and monetary surplus as your life is shifting towards prosperity. Your hard work with determination is paving the way for success with the help of higher energies.
This will be a complete interpretation of the 19:19 mirror hour using the study of guardian angels, numerology and the Tarot. Here you will learn to understand the message that this double hour is sending you. Finding 19:19 has a meaning and we will tell you everything!
When we know what to look for, we find that our daily life is full of synchronicity. When looking at an hour in the mirror or listening to music on the radio, there are many signs that you need to learn to locate to benefit from the possible guidelines they can bring.
Here you will learn the name of the angel that has an influence on 19:19 hours, as well as its numerological value. You will also find the Major Arcana of the Marseille Tarot which corresponds to this double hour. You cannot control your subconscious, but you can learn what 19:19 means!
Meaning of 19:19 with the Guardian Angels
The analysis of this twin hour with the help of the angels is positive! It shows that you have a beautiful soul. You are a person who shines spiritually. You are the embodiment of kindness and goodwill, and this enables you to help many people. You have potential in the fields of reflexology and mediumship.

19:19 indicates that you have an overwhelming amount of energy. You have to channel it in a positive way because it will have great benefits if you try to help the people around you. However, if misused, this energy can cause you to do multiple things at the same time. This can plunge you into states of immense fatigue.
This angelic synchronicity underscores the fact that you are currently in a period of intense self-reflection. By connecting 19:19 to your subconscious, your angel confirms that you are on the right track to find a solution. You are a person who has a lot of spiritual energy which allows you to solve a lot of problems quickly.
Communication with angels is important to you. Your connection to their energies will be easily done through prayer or meditation. If you see this time regularly in the mirror, it is a kind of invitation to develop your extrasensory abilities. If you feel practically assaulted for hours in the mirror, an entity may want to guide you or deliver a message.
Angelic Interpretation of the Hour 19:19
The guardian angel corresponding to 19:19 is Yeialel, whose period of influence is between 19:00 and 19:20. He is the symbol of healing and a fighting spirit! It allows you to excel in the divinatory arts, especially in astrology.
You can invoke it if you are feeling depressed! It will bring you the energy you need to recover. It helps you to overcome difficult times or fight disease and find a cure. With his help, you are protected from slander and malicious people who hide what you really want.
We will start with number 1, which is one of the most powerful angel numbers. This number tells you that the most important thing is to stay positive and be a good example for others.
Additionally, number 1 resonates with the intuition, self-leadership, and prosperity you can expect in the future. Your guardian angels use this number to motivate you to trust and move on.
There is also angel number 9 who is related to new beginnings. Something in your life has to end to start something new in the future. Also, it is important to say that angel number 9 can symbolize humanity, so if you see this number it probably means that you should help others more. If you help others and communicate well with them, you will have lots of friends and people will respect you more.
As you can see, these two numbers, 1 and 9, appear twice in the angelic number 1919, so it is necessary to know their meaning.
Now we come to number 19. This number is repeated twice in number 1919, which means that its power in this case is very strong. Angel number 19 resonates with confidence and means that you have to stand up for something that is yours.
Regarding angel number 91, we have to say that this number is related with good vibrations and positive energy. There is also the number 191. This number reminds you that you must be focused on the mission of your soul. You have your own way of life and you have to follow it.
Angel number 919 says it’s time to make your dreams come true. You should never give up on your dreams and you should have more confidence in yourself and your angels. If you see angel number 919 somewhere, it means that your guardian angels want to help and support you.
Now when you know the meaning of all the components of angel number 1919, it is not difficult to understand what this number means.
Influence of the Archangels on 19:19
Days |
Hours |
Monday |
From 19:00 to 20:00 – Archangel: Haniel – Planetary Energy: Venus |
Tuesday |
From 19:00 to 20:00 – Archangel: Zaphkiel – Planetary Energy: Saturn |
Wednesday |
From 19:00 to 20:00 – Archangel: Raphael – Planetary Energy: The Sun |
Thursday |
From 19:00 to 20:00 – Archangel: Gabriel – Planetary Energy: The Moon |
Friday |
From 19:00 to 20:00 – Archangel: Camael – Planetary Energy: Mars |
Saturday |
From 19:00 to 20:00 – Archangel: Michael – Planetary Energy: Mercury |
Sunday |
From 19:00 to 20:00 – Archangel: Zadkiel – Planetary Energy: Jupiter |
What does 19:19 mean in Numerology?
If we take a look at the 19:19 numerical sequence of the points of astrology and numerology. Adding the digits 1 and 9, we get 10. Adding 1 and 0, we end up with the number 1 again. The number 10 is incredible, as it incorporates the ideas of all possibilities.
However, at the same time, zero represents infinity, both totality, and emptiness, which can be a good reminder of the countless options we have in life. Everything can be won and lost, but it is the dynamics of life.
The number 0 is a circle, a cycle of everything. Just choose carefully, be aware of your choices, but still let your intuition and inspiration guide you.
The total hourly value of the 19:19 mirror is 38, which highlights the relationship aspect of your life. It suggests a stable and rewarding romantic relationship. Life as a couple is much better! If you are still looking for love, this hour of the mirror encourages you to be patient. Good things come to those who wait.
It also refers to your personality. You are a creative person and it is often through art that you express yourself best. Music, drawing, and writing are ways for you to share your emotions. Keep this space of expression open, as it is vital to maintain the balance of your life.
38 highlights your productivity. You are a particularly efficient person professionally and this brings you great success and rapid progress in your work. But be careful to manage your priorities well. Otherwise, you will encounter setbacks.
Finally, you have the skills and knowledge to reduce conflict. By using your gifts for diplomacy, you will be able to control even the most desperate situations. You are a natural optimist and freely share your view of things with others, showing them that it is possible to escape from any situation, however difficult it may be.
The Spiritual Meaning of 19:19
Each of the numbers has its own special spiritual meaning. For this reason, we can say that these are the numbers of the angels, just as the number 19 is the number of the angle formed by the numbers 1 and 9.
In order to interpret the message hidden behind the mirror at 19:19 hours, we will reveal its spiritual meaning, because sometimes this is a crucial moment that can help you to understand why this number appeared in your life.
First, we will start with angel number 1, which is a symbol of the confidence and faith that you have in yourself. These numbers speak about your personality – individualistic, obstinate, and energetic. You are always ready for some action, as monotony affects your mood and makes you feel depressed.
Second, angel number 9 represents karmic relationships and destiny. If you don’t want something to happen to you, don’t do it to other people. You already know that the law of reciprocity works this way, but sometimes it is good to remember that karma has its own lessons and those lessons come to us in a somewhat unpleasant way if we have done a bad deed before.
Mirror hour 19:19 or any other form of these digits is made up of the numbers 1 and 9. Each has a special meaning and together they form a message.
Number one is the number of the beginning, but also of the end goal. It is a start, but also a success. It is the number that symbolizes being new, but also being the first and the best.
Number one is the number of self-confidence, glory, success, authority, leadership, and more. It seems that it was the number of oppositions, while it is the number of a development path.
However, he needs to be saturated with everything that comes between the start and the goal. The number 9 fits perfectly here.
These two numbers together form a perfect message of authentic representation of yourself, without neglecting the needs of others and treating them with due admiration.
Just an incredible message from your guardian angels; they want you to realize your full potential, but also to understand and appreciate that of others.
Your life is positively changing
It is an obvious meaning for number 19:19 that something is changing in your life and is not constant. These changes are positive in nature and are taking place to improve and enrich your quality of life.
Changes are inevitable in our lives and so we cannot reverse them. Instead, we can consider them positively and see them as an opportunity to improve our lives and make the most of those opportunities.
Let the changes take place in your life and knock on the door every now and then. Don’t worry and fear, instead of hugging and taking them as your friends
An important cycle or phase is coming to an end
As you continue to see the time in mirror 19:19 on a regular basis, it is a message from the higher energies that something important in your life has been accomplished or will end soon. After this project or thing, there will be a new beginning and a new cycle that will continue onwards.
This is happening purely for karmic reasons that will be noticed in the near future. 19:19 is preparing you for a wonderful new life and an improved lifestyle.
The end of these cycles is clearing the way for your soul’s purpose and to manifest the heart’s desires. Trust the angels and the universal energies that you will receive all the assistance and guidance you need along this path.
The 19:19 infrared hour number simply means that there is a new beginning on your doorstep, as the cycle has come to an end. These changes bring opportunities and adventures for you, and as one door closes after another, another opens in front of you.
Go for your passion and take positive action
19:19 is telling you to work and live for your passion or the things you love to do. Your passion is that which comes from within your heart and that you love to do, even if you are not paid or remunerated for it.
Consult your intuition and instinct to know and become aware of yourself and what you are passionate about. Because when you look for your passion, your work becomes fun and fun.
Stay positive and optimistic in every way possible in your life. Because life has ups and downs and it is not an easy way out. You have to remain calm and composed even in the most difficult situation.
Therefore, by practicing positive affirmation regularly and viewing each situation from a positive point of view, you will focus only on the positivity of one thing.
If you follow your passion and remain positive along the way, nothing can stop you from becoming successful and achieving your heart’s desire and life purpose.
The connection between 19:19 and the Tarot
The tarot card corresponding to 19:19 is the Sun, which is the symbol of success! Inside this card is the notion of the power of light and everything seems to be going better for you! You will find happiness in love and achieve total satisfaction in the spiritual aspect of your life. You are on the road to success and happiness, so keep going!\
Interpreting the Arcane of the Sun shows that your life is full of light! If you have a question on your mind right now, the answer is a resounding “yes”! The Sun demonstrates its ability to form relationships with other people. In love, it symbolizes union and a balanced relationship with a partner. Everything points to this letter bringing luck and positive guidance.
Like all Tarot cards, the Sun can also have a bad position in a reading, in which case you must be cautious, as you risk being deceived or manipulated by hypocritical people. Keep your eyes open and don’t open up too much to people you don’t know very well.
In love, the sun is a symbol of happiness. If you are single, you will have a meaningful date. If you are in a relationship, then you will dance in the air and there will be good news on the way. This may have to do with a marriage or a birth. Professionally, you will surpass all the hopes and expectations of your co-workers and receive all the recognition you deserve! In matters of money, the Sun is a symbol of success and a regular income. You will certainly have financial security, so relax!
What to do if you see 19:19?
If you see the time in the mirror 19.19 too often, think about your personal dreams and your gifts. You may not be particularly satisfied at this point, but you are not sure why this happened.
This hour of the mirror suggests that you are looking for personal expression or, rather, an authentic way of expressing your ideas. This will come in time.
As you have seen, the meaning of the number 19 has a very positive presence in our lives, and it would be useful to take it into account in the face of adversity, to clarify any doubts in our path, and to enlighten our senses.
The number 19 represents not only the powerful light of the sun, but the wisdom it provides and, although it is not the answer to our problem, it will be the guide in the face of darkness and difficulties.
The number 1919 teaches you what is important to know about you and the world. The best thing to do if you keep seeing this mirror hour or these numbers is to focus on finding the most creative and inventive way to present your ideas first to yourself and then to others.
He teaches supreme love and understanding towards others, which is essential to receive the same in return.
You must work to polish your ideas, even if you feel confused about them at the moment.
Do not reject the support and help of others and offer the same to those who care deeply about you. Sometimes, doing something unrelated to your own ideas can open new doors.
This mirror hour and digital sequence reminds you of your authentic qualities but also reminds you to admire the qualities of others.
This number creates a balance between the internal and the external, the private and the social, the self-oriented and the extrovert.
The numbers that constantly appear in front of you are not just numbers. Each of them has its own symbolism and can teach you important life lessons if you know how to accept the message behind those numbers.
If you have seen the time in the 19:19 mirror countless times on your watch now, this is a clear signal for you to pay attention to its meaning. These numbers mean that you will only achieve your goals if you stay true to yourself. Nurture your authenticity and the rewards will come to you sooner than you think. The angel number 1919 is a real blessing presented to you, and you should appreciate the opportunity that has been given to you.
The number 19:19 or any form in that sequence will remind you of your own worth, prompting you to find the best way to express yourself, letting you know that these are the things you are looking for right now.