Table of Contents
The 11:11 mirror hour is one of the most striking to see. Consisting of a double 11, it often attracts the attention of our subconscious and we will frequently come across it. Here you will learn the meaning of the double hour 11:11 and the type of message it tries to communicate to you through angels and numerology.
Indeed, eleven minutes after eleven is considered by many numerologists as a mirror hour connected to the spiritual or supernatural world. 11:11 is a good representation of Jung’s concept of synchronicity with 4 identical numbers in a row across the hours and minutes.
Some believe that the real meaning of 11:11 is a digital sign that angelic beings are near. They come with love and protection, and they want to bring you clarity and guidance. So when you see 11:11, trust that this is an angelic message to be decoded.
Significantly 11:11 is the number of masters who have impacted humanity and changed the vibrations of our earth throughout history. Ascended masters like Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama), Jesus Christ, and Guan Yin send you the message that you are a divine aspect of the Creator, a master at being yourself in human form. You are reminded that you came here to make the earth a better place for future generations. Remember, you can make a positive difference in the lives of several people or change the world for one person. Seeing 11:11 is the trigger to get you on your way to making your mark in this existence. The world is grateful to have you!
Universally, it is no coincidence that each year, from November 11 to January 11, you go through a period called the months of the Divine Trinity. All in all, it is a divine time that provides you with tremendous opportunities to wake up and embrace your true divine light.
It is important to understand that there is more than one reason why you are seeing 11:11 repeatedly all over the place. Paying attention to your surroundings and fully understanding what 11:11 means to you is essential. As a guide, here is a list of the 5 common spiritual meanings and reasons why you see the 11:11 number pattern.
11:11 shows an important connection with your guardian angel or with your spirit guide. This hour encourages you to reflect and increase your awareness through your subconscious. The 11 is a master number that symbolizes great energy that you have to learn to master or risk being overwhelmed.
Meaning of 11:11 with Guardian Angels
Guardian angels give a precise meaning to the mirror hour 11:11. They indicate that you need to focus on the positive aspects of your life. If you are facing a challenge, take the time and space you need before taking it on. This step is essential to allow you to regain your mental balance.
Unfortunately, meeting 11:11 can also mean that you are going through a period of stress or anxiety right now. Even if you think you are doing well, your subconscious, which has seen this mirror hour, understands that the angels are telling you: calm down! Find your serenity! This will put an end to your inevitable “inner rebellions”.

If you see 11:11 while you are thinking about an important topic, it means your idea is revolutionary. Hang in there and use your natural charisma to spread it everywhere! When we pay attention to such synchronicity with the angelic world, it can be a real power that will help you make positive progress on your life path.
You are not yet aware of the potential you have, but we hope you get the message this issue seriously sends you. Are you confident in your talents and abilities? Do you appreciate yourself for the accomplishments you have made so far? Try to be as objective as possible.
Once you look at yourself from such a perspective, you will clearly understand why you are so special and unique. You will also be more grateful for everything you have right now, and angel number 11:11 will give you extra motivation to keep fighting for even better days.
Additionally, seeing 11:11 reminds you that your past can affect your present, but your today can affect your future as well. If you want to fix some mistakes you made in the past, make sure you don’t make any new ones now. In this way, you will ensure a better and better future for yourself (maybe for your family and your partner too).
But be careful not to look for a source of too much power or responsibility. 11:11 shows that you are not yet able to handle it all. You need to focus on yourself before you direct your energy outward.
Angelic Interpretation of the Hour 11:11
The guardian angel corresponding to 11:11 is Lehahiah whose period of influence is between 11:00 a.m. and 11:20 a.m. It is the symbol of serenity and luck! It gives you the energy you need to calm yourself down. Invoke it to improve your meditation practice. He brings luck to those who need it and who ask it with respect.
Mirror number 11:11 is definitely a sign of a special spiritual presence in your life, if you are inclined towards spiritual beliefs. This number reads the number 1 four times in a sequence, which certainly has a strong meaning.
The first, the best, the one who stands out, the winner, the winner, all of this has always been represented by number one. Number 1 is a powerful spiritual number.
These numbers were most likely sent to you for a reason. It could be your guardian angels trying to communicate with you and offer you advice and encouragement.
See if there were any other unusual signs that might make you think of the angelic presence, like twinkling lights, sudden changes in temperature or the like, around the time you saw the mirror hours.
It could also be the spirits of deceased people trying to talk to you. Don’t be afraid, because that’s usually a good thing. Someone is still protecting you, even if they are no longer around you in this physical life.
Either way, if you continue to see 11:11 hours or the very sudden event of seeing that hour had a great effect on you so that you will remember it clearly, look for the meaning behind those numbers.
It helps you get your thoughts in order. Thanks to him, you will succeed in finding a balance in your life. It makes you a loyal person for whom frankness and honesty are essential. You have a hard time dealing with injustice, which can definitely rub you the wrong way.
Influence of the Archangels on 11:11
Days |
Hours |
Monday |
From 11:00 to 12:00 – Archangel: Raphael – Planetary Energy: The Sun
Tuesday |
From 11:00 to 12:00 – Archangel: Gabriel – Planetary Energy: The Moon |
Wednesday |
From 11:00 to 12:00 – Archangel: Camael – Planetary Energy: Mars |
Thursday |
From 11:00 to 12:00 – Archangel: Michael – Planetary Energy: Mercury |
From 11:00 to 12:00 – Archangel: Zadkiel – Planetary Energy: Jupiter |
Saturday |
From 11:00 to 12:00 – Archangel: Haniel – Planetary Energy: Venus |
Sunday |
From 11:00 to 12:00 – Archangel: Zaphkiel – Planetary Energy: Saturn |
What does 11:11 mean in Numerology?
Numerology tells us that the number 1 is a symbol of leadership and positive energy. Think about the vibe of winning first place, or being the first in a row, or even being the first to learn or discover something. There is a feeling of newness, unfamiliarity, and pioneering spirit that comes with being the first.
The number 1 is also associated with singularity. It could mean personal fulfillment, personal development, or even your personal journey and connection with life.
When combined with additional 1s, it could also indicate that something new and exciting is just around the corner.
If you see four 1s repeatings, be careful. Number one on his own can be a powerful influence, and his power is multiplied when combined with three others.
The reason you see the angelic number 11:11 or 1111 will be unique to you, but it could be attributed to one of the following five reasons.
The total value of the 11:11 mirror hour is 22. The numerological study of this number indicates that you are an ambitious person who is doing whatever it takes to achieve your goals. You are able to rally those around you! Whether it’s people or ideas, you use them in the best way to progress faster.
You find it easy to analyze your thoughts and feelings, and you can quickly understand the ins and outs of a problem or idea. It’s like you have a sixth sense! It helps you collaborate on important projects that require forethought.
11:11 and 22 both show you have your feet on the ground. It allows you to imagine yourself accomplishing great things, especially if they are directed towards humanity on a grand scale. Sometimes you can play the role of an “architect”, someone who builds things over the long term. You are a symbol of stability and strength!
Finally, the total value of this mirror hour shows that you are a major support for your loved ones, as well as, of course, your partner if you are in a relationship. You may seem like the “traditional” type at first, especially at the start of a romantic relationship, but that’s a misunderstanding of your personality, right?
The Spiritual Meaning of 11:11
This number, 11:11, establishes an important connection with your spirit guides and your guardian angels.
Then when you see 11:11, you should know that the frequency and the message of the Higher Consciousness have arrived. It is a sign that you have an open door through which you are approaching divine instruction, incredible frequency, healing, and love. Angel number 11:11 contains strong codes for intuition, initiation, enlightenment, and spirituality.
Seeing the number 11:11 is an invitation to your spirit because it is an opportunity where you can expand your awareness, you can notice more spiritual realities, raise your vibration, and bring energy to life for new spiritual beginnings.
If you regularly see the 11:11 mirror hour happening, it is a sign that you have already started your spiritual journey and are probably waiting to be discovered. Then, if you have only seen this number a few times, just reading this article may invoke those numbers in your life, to confirm what you are reading now.
It is possible that the 11:11 Mirror Time contains a code to unlock your subconscious, and the ability to conform to the workings of the Universe. You may discover your purpose and why you are here where you are now and in the situation you find yourself in.
Number 11 * 11 resonates with the power of number 1. Number 1 represents being the first, the best, being motivated, having goals, being refreshed, ready for new opportunities, and courageous.
Number 1 represents bravery, courage, creativity, ambition, the pursuit of dreams, but it doesn’t always come across as an auspicious sign for what you are doing right now.
It is also a symbol of a whole new beginning, a rebirth, and a new beginning. In all of this, number 1 encourages the self, as in self-development and self-awareness.
The number one represents the creation of your own reality. If you continue to see it everywhere, like in 11 * 11 in any form, your guardian angels or protective spirits want you to have in mind that your life is in your hands.
You have to believe in yourself. It’s interesting to see this number as an alarm, it’s like a self-awakening number.
It will probably happen that, seeing the number 11 * 11 or as in mirror numbers 11:11 and receiving its message, you will start to see other numbers of the same sequence.
This number represents the start of a deeply spiritual and self-awakening journey. In angelic numerology, this row of numbers 1 in any form whatsoever is sometimes called the “awakening code”, because the guardian angels send it to you in order to help you to know yourself better and, thus, to use in better your potentials.
Think about when you saw the number. Maybe that answers your current situation and questions.
It might help you get out of the confusion you might find yourself in. This number opens the eyes and the soul. It will help you find your way.
If you keep seeing it again, it means that your heavenly protectors are determined that you eventually find the answers, the “truth” about yourself. The path to self-awakening is not easy and it is a journey of a lifetime.
Number 1 resonates with a great personal value which is an important notion you should take away from it.
Opportunity opens up for you
One of the meanings of 11:11 is that the Universe has sampled your thought sequence and whatever you were thinking intensely will manifest itself almost instantly in your physical reality. So, if you feel really good about the thoughts you are focusing on, rest assured that the thoughts you are sending to the Universe will manifest in your life soon. However, if you have a thought that triggers an unpleasant feeling, you understand that you can shift your thinking towards a more positive one in order to draw a positive experience into your reality.
In this event 11:11 or 1:11 is a message from angelic divine beings that you are to watch your thoughts more carefully, and make sure that you are focusing on the things you want, and not on the things you want. things you don’t do. you don’t want to. According to Dolores Cannon’s “Between Death and Light”, thoughts are energy. Your soul manipulates the energy. Thinking is the manipulation of energy. Therefore, a thought is a voluntary act and it is powerful enough for creation.
So when you see the 11:11 numeric sequence, believe that it is a divine sign that a portal of opportunity is opening for you and allowing your thoughts to manifest at the speed of light, that you are. wanted or not.
Overall, the meaning of 1111 is to pay attention to your thoughts. Most importantly, remember that you always have the Creator and your divine team of angels and spirit guides with you. So when you need their help in changing unpleasant thoughts into more positive ones, all you have to do is ask. And by asking for help, you learn to receive.
Result of your thoughts and feelings
All the things that exist in your life are the result of your thoughts and feelings. Whether you are thinking of the past, the present, or the future, you are using your energy to create a vibration within yourself that attracts things with the same vibration. In other words, when you spend time remembering the past, observing the present, or imagining the future, your specific thought activates a vibration that attracts ideas, people, and experiences with corresponding vibrations. And that way, when you see the 1111 flash in front of you, the meaning is that you are attracting whatever you are mainly thinking about.
For example, you can attract “financial lack” into your life even though you have affirmative thoughts about financial abundance because your thoughts of “wanting financial abundance” were born out of a feeling of lack of money. financial shortage. In this case, it is important to change the way you feel about your financial situation so that you can feel excited about your finances rather than worrying because the “worry vibration” can attract a lack of financial abundance.
For this reason, you understand that it is important to shift your feelings from a craving with low vibration to one which has a higher vibration, such as arousal. The key is to raise your vibration so that there is an improvement in the way you feel. The more relief you feel, the more positive feelings you will experience, and eventually, you will reach a higher state of vibration so that you can attract more positive experiences.
Loved one sends you a message
In addition to seeing 11:11 as a message from angels and spirit guides, the 11:11 digital code can be a way for a deceased loved one to connect with you. Your deceased loved one may have tried to contact you in different ways, but one of the effective ways to get your attention is to use number sequences. So when you see 11:11 repeatedly, your loved one from beyond is trying to give you a message. While the meaning of 11:11 may relate to the day of birth, time of death, or some other anniversary or important event of your deceased loved one, the important key is to be aware of the synchronicities around you so that you can recognize and understand the messages that are intended for you.
Whether your deceased loved one is your parent, spouse, child, or other close family member or friend, they may just want to let you know that they are doing well. Other times, they may want to help you, comfort you, or let you know that they are with you. No matter how distant you feel from your deceased loved one, have confidence that you are being watched, and most importantly, have confidence that you are perfectly where you need to be right now. And remember, when you see 11:11, you are in the presence of peace.
On top of that, the death of a loved one can open the door to a revival or spark spiritual gifts in you. You have a chance to transform and be reborn. In this sense, “waking up” becomes the last gift of your deceased. You start to let go of your old habits and beliefs to make way for a new life that is unfolding completely in front of you. By realizing this and taking the necessary steps to become your true self, in a way, you are honoring the life and memories of your deceased loved one.
Path to awakening as you “re-member”
Whenever you see 11:11 or 1:11 number patterns, you are being called to wake up. Visually, 11:11 represents pillars of doors; it is a direct channel that opens between you and your Higher Self. 11:11 is the point of merging the physical and non-physical realities of YOU. When that happens, it’s time to quit any regular activity you are doing and take a look at your life.
With different cultures and religions on your planet, you realize that living among different groups of people is a blessing as it gives you the opportunity to be inspired by discovering new ways of doing things or discovering needs that you didn’t know you had before. existence. It is your connection with each other that rekindles the fire in your soul and stimulates creative ideas to make meaningful changes to your world. Because of this, you understand that different talents allow you to support and appreciate each other in different ways. Most importantly, you realize that your differences help you learn to understand each other, accept each other, and cooperate with each other. This key understanding helps you remember the importance of being connected in the same human family to progress and evolve as “one race”. It is all part of the master plan of the Universe.
As you push it to a deeper level, you begin to realize that what you perceive as imperfect in any part of your life is actually the Universal Creator who sees perfection on the Divine level. Imperfections are just imperfections for you, but not for Universal Source. Therefore, what you see as a disappointment in your life, the Creator sees as an opportunity for learning and soul growth.
At the soul level, your consciousness is evolving and you begin to see life with new eyes. Instead of making decisions with your head, you start making decisions with your heart. Because of this, you begin to see your truth. Trust that you are on the path to awakening; trust that everything is going perfectly for you; and most importantly, have confidence that all is well with you.
Set an intention (make a wish!) And act
Whenever you see 11:11, know that it is a wake-up call for divine intervention.
It’s time to make a thoughtful wish and realize that your intention can be manifested for your greater good and for all of humanity. Remember, it is the intention of the thought itself that matters.
As a human, it is natural to go up and down continually, with every thought you think and every word you speak. In every breath, ascension is born every moment of your life. In this way, you are growing towards the Light at your own pace, and you are moving in the direction of being One with the Universal Creator with each breath you take.
The Connection between 11:11 and the Tarot
The Tarot card corresponding to 11:11 is Strength. This is a good sign because it shows that you have a great amount of energy within you as well as a great amount of control. You are a courageous person and your motivation allows you to carry out your projects from start to finish. But be careful not to dominate others too much to achieve your goals.
The symbolism in the imagery of the Arcanum of Force is very revealing. It shows that you are in a position of control and that you are able to calm a beast while maintaining total peace of mind yourself. This map corresponding to the 11:11 mirror hour clearly shows that you are capable of handling any problems that come your way.
However, the Force can sometimes be poorly channeled. This can lead to situations dominated by conflict and misunderstanding. In addition, it can sometimes be difficult to control everything. If this card is in a bad position in the Tarot reading, it can even be synonymous with temporary weakness.
Romantically speaking, strength refers to a passionate relationship. Do you feel drawn to your partner like two magnets? It is quite natural. Your love life is guided by your feelings.
At work, you are reliable and you like stable commitments. You want stability in return for your efforts!
On the financial side, you have complete control over your finances so that your creditors can rest easy when they lend you money if you want to get a large asset.
What Should You Do Next When You See 11:11?
Mirror Hour 11:11 gives us a sign that we need to be more aware. So, with literacy and awareness, it will be easier for you to adjust to a more detailed sense of 11:11, and understand what it is for you right now. Remember well, when you see 1111, pay attention to the thoughts that are currently in your mind, but also what is going on around you.
The number 11:11 can often be an invitation from your angels to pay more attention to your thoughts, but at the same time, they remind you to try and bring what is in your thoughts to life. Numbers 11:11 tell you your angels who are looking for guidance, love, and frequency. At this level of consciousness, you can feel, but also experience their love, their adaptation, and the presence of your guardians.
Open your heart, focus, and receive codes of activation, love, and light. You have the advice that your angels are giving you. They increase your vibration and become your guides, who transmit your experience. You have to be in a high vibration in order to be able to conform and adapt to the guidance you receive from your angels. It’s very deep, although it sounds simple.
Be prepared to raise your vibration when you see 11:11 because you have a lot of light available to you. It is a sign that you are an authentic being of light, and the light shining through you guides you in the ascension process.
Although you are in physical form, you will also be spiritually and on earth so that you can awaken to a higher truth. You may already be awake, but remember this time it goes and goes even further. The light waves are entering your body and soul – eagerly accept them.
The doorbell rings because your angels and guides want to help you by greeting you 11:11. Open, wake up, adjust and expand! Ask your angels for the light codes and activation when you see the 11:11 mirror hour next time. Positive energy flows through your body. Can you feel it already?
The time is right, you have the opportunity now! Everyone supports you and loves you. The entire Universe is the realm of the spirit and all the angels are with you. Arise into the light, love, and in this way, you will connect to higher levels. Don’t miss this opportunity here and now! You have received an invitation and the opportunity to improve everything.
Angelic guidance and deeper meaning are not only found in the 11:11 numbers, but there is a deeper level of meaning in other numbers as well, regardless of which numbers are involved. It can be any number, but you are special because 11:11 has a very powerful meaning.
The mirror number 11:11 and its other manifestations are generally a good sign; if you read them correctly, one of these numbers is
Angel number 1111 resonates with the strong energy of angel number 1, which first and foremost signifies personal development, self-awakening and self-realization.
Angel number 4, which occurs as the sum of 1111 gives it a solid foundation and doesn’t already let a strong and daring 1 dominate overly ambitiously.
No matter how many you see, what you need to know is that there is a very personal message behind it. You can search websites for what these numbers mean, as they are available to almost everyone today.
But that’s only part of the answer. You should continue to seek the answers that interest you but seek them within yourself. It is only within yourself that you can find deeper answers and meaning.
Try to increase the brightness of your light, adjust to the codes of awakening, accept your angels and your crystalline consciousness. The signs that arrive will give you an idea of what to do.
Then, as a gift, you will receive the signs that have been sent to you. Adjust to the light you have, open your heart, and receive the blessings that are now available to you here.
The next time you see the 11:11 mirror hour, we hope you will realize that you are on the one and right path for you. The doorbell with the number 11:11 tells you that you can go even further in life, only if you want to from the bottom of your soul.