Table of Contents
Mirror hours are mysterious because they are rare. However, if you are lucky enough to locate one, then you need to know that it is your guardian angel trying to get a message across.
That is why you should not ignore them and listen to their lessons and advice. Find out what the 20:20 mirror hour means and how it can impact your life!
Here you will discover everything there is to know about the 20:20 mirror hour. We often see doubled hours in our lives and this can leave us feeling bizarre! This is completely normal. It is due to the synchronicity that was detected by our subconscious, which is an area of our mind that acts as a channel of communication. Even though we cannot control our subconscious, it is still possible to analyze the messages it conveys to us.
To give you the most complete interpretation possible, we will make use of a study of angels through the works of Doreen Virtue, as well as a calculation of the numerological value of the hour and its connection with the Tarot. You will then have an overview of what 20:20 means. This will allow you to better understand why you saw this hour in the mirror and how to interpret this signal.
When faced with a mirror hour like 20:20, we often want to find out what it means immediately. Here you will have access to all the information you need to better analyze the symbolism and the hidden meaning behind this hour. It’s like taking a card out of a tarot deck, it means you got a message!
Meaning of 20:20 with the Guardian Angels
An interpretation at 8:20 pm from the works of Doreen Virtue allows us to give you a more complete meaning of this hour of the mirror. Your angel says you shouldn’t do everything in a hurry. You prefer things to happen quickly, but you also need to take the time to finish what you started for the sake of credibility.

At 8:20 pm, your angel is encouraging you to be more discerning. Do not consider your dreams to be a reality until they really become one. Continue to trust your guardian angel and your goals will eventually be achieved. You don’t have much time to wait,
so be a little more patient.
You have a great sense of curiosity that allows you to study and talk about many different topics, but be careful not to impose your point of view on everyone. If you do, you risk suffocating your loved ones! Do not hesitate to ask your guardian angel to fill you with wisdom and humility.
You must focus on the path of the spirit, not the path of materialism! If you usually see the mirror at 8:20 p.m., it is because you have progressed on this path and you have succeeded in improving your connection with your Angel or Spirit Guide. So they sent you this signal as a thank you for approaching them.
However, your Guardian Angel can also use the double-time 20:20 as a warning! You can find a period of ups and downs. It can be related to love, work, or money. Make an effort to determine which area of your life is affected. The post may refer to an unstable situation that is temporary, but important enough that your protector has used this time in the mirror to prepare you.
Angelic Interpretation of the Hour 20:20
The corresponding guardian angel with 20:20 is Umabel whose period of influence is between 20:00 and 20:20. He is the symbol of independence! As you can see, he has a direct influence on 20:20, which shows the special connection you have with this angel.
It helps you in the realm of esoteric arts and divinatory arts in general. Under your guidance, you will receive support in the study and mastery of astrology, numerology, and the use of the pendulum. It helps you to become a sociable person, open to others, and in need of your free spirit!
The angelic number 2020 tells you to prepare for what awaits you. Your guardian angels are telling you that changes are about to enter your life and that you need to be prepared mentally and physically. The changes that occur in your path can be emotional or even physical. Whatever you have to face now, it will teach you how to become a better person and a better human being. To learn any lesson from issue 2020, you need to take this warning seriously.
If you notice this number but decide to ignore it, you may lose much of the wisdom and trust sent to you by your guardian angels. The angelic number 2020 will appear in your life when you need the support and support of your guardian angels. Heavenly powers will help you overcome your fears and learn what you need to learn from your divine presence and message.
Divine forces will be by your side every step of the way. Their energy and support will lead you to something extraordinary and highly needed for your future. Listen carefully to what they have to say, and accept their advice with an open heart. Your guardian angels will never cheat on you or lead you to something potentially bad for you. So accept your message and follow the divine path of number 2020.
Influence of the Archangels on 20:20
Days |
Hours |
Monday |
From 20:00 to 21:00 – Archangel: Michael – Planetary Energy: Mercury |
Tuesday |
From 20:00 to 21:00 – Archangel: Zadkiel – Planetary Energy: Jupiter |
Wednesday |
From 20:00 to 21:00 – Archangel: Haniel – Planetary Energy: Venus |
Thursday |
From 20:00 to 21:00 – Archangel: Zaphkiel – Planetary Energy: Saturn |
Friday |
From 20:00 to 21:00 – Archangel: Raphael – Planetary Energy: The Sun |
Saturday |
From 20:00 to 21:00 – Archangel: Gabriel – Planetary Energy: The Moon |
Sunday |
From 20:00 to 21:00 – Archangel: Camael – Planetary Energy: Mars |
What does 20:20 mean in Numerology?
The total hourly value of the 20:20 mirror is 40. This shows that you are a person with a practical mind. You have the ability to focus on your goals, which allows you to act very efficiently, but consider devoting some time to them. This is very important!
This number also shows that sometimes you may find it difficult to control your emotions. This can hinder your social fulfillment. Learn to control yourself in all situations or risk suffering without reason.
The 20:20 twin hour and its value of 40 can symbolize an obstacle or a limitation. There is also the same idea of instability that we saw when studying angels. This number is about temporary challenges or difficulties that you may encounter. Do your best to overcome them. If you stay determined and keep doing things your special way, you will get over them!
This sign also encourages you to be honest in your life. Don’t lie to yourself or risk facing setbacks in your romantic, professional or financial life. You shouldn’t live a life of lies, because the truth will always come out!
The Spiritual Meaning of 20:20
Considering that the number 20:20 is an indication from the angels that you are on the right path, it is also a warning.
Your angels predict a problem that you will face in the near future, but they guarantee that they will help you to overcome it.
Have faith in the power of your angels and let them help you solve your problem. At the same time, try to reflect on your life.
It is important to find out in what area of life you have made the mistake so that in the future you can avoid it. We must always learn from our mistakes and apply that knowledge to the future.
Angel number 2020 also highlights that you have the power to be an independent person and therefore you should not worry about being too dependent on others.
Trust your skills and you will overcome all your problems with ease.
The number 20:20also means that there is a major transformation that is about to happen in your life.
It will be a positive transformation and it will be in terms of your personality and spirit.
Last but not least, 20:20is a message from the angels, which indicates that you should always take your time and think about your decisions.
Learning to be patient in your decisions will lead to great success and will also ensure that you will make few mistakes in your life.
So, if you have witnessed number 20:20, then it is a sign from your angels for you to take a more harmonious and peaceful approach in life, have a big heart and be considerate of other people’s feelings and emotions as well. It is a sign that you are moving one step closer to your spiritual awakening journey, you just need to be patient because time has answers to all your questions.
The connection between 20:20 and the Tarot
The Judgment card says that there will definitely be changes in your life in the near future. This Arcane speaks of rebirth or evolution! It may refer to your ideas or the way you interact with other people. If you expect positive changes in your emotional life, they are coming!
If the judgment is in a bad position, it indicates that you are going to face setbacks. Here, we have the feeling that things are getting in the way! It talks about the factors that hinder your development. Don’t be discouraged and keep going. The storm will pass!
On the romantic level, Judgment announces a date or a rewarding relationship. Put on your belt! There will be changes in your love life and they can go by quickly!
Professionally, you should soon achieve the goals you set for yourself, as long as you can maintain your independence. You have a hard time managing the chain of command, do you?
When it comes to money, the occasional opportunity will present itself to you. If you are having difficulty managing your finances, it will be resolved quickly. A legacy or a party victory is predictable.
What to do when you see the number 20:20?
When angel number 20:20comes into your life, it means that you have to start believing in yourself and in your abilities. Divine forces want you to see how important you are and how much of a difference you are in the world.
Each person has their own story and each of us gives something precious to the world. No story is the same and you should know it. When angel number 2020 enters your world, it means that you are worthy of the attention of guardian angels. Even if you don’t believe in yourself, the divine forces know your qualities and the heights you can reach in life. If you believe in yourself as much as they believe in you, nothing in life would be unattainable.
The angel number 20:20also tells you to prepare for the changes that are coming. Things will definitely change in your life and you may not be happy about it at first. If you learn to trust your guardian angels and let them guide you, you will find that everything in life has its purpose. Sometimes we are not aware of this purpose, so we need to trust the heavenly beings and their plans for us.
The number of angels is easy to see if you open your mind and soul. Their presence should be noted and the messages behind them should be deciphered. When you least expect it, an angel number will appear in your life and send a message that you cannot ignore. The divine forces know that you can only make your life amazing and stable if you listen to their advice and trust the plans they have for you.